In a relationship, it is common to make a mistake or two, but sometimes we unconsciously step through the line and make unforgivable mistakes. When the matter get worse and she decides to leave us, we realize that she is the one and we try really hard to get her back. In this case, most guys do it in the wrong way and end up drive her further from them.        

So what should I do to get her back without making her detest me even more?

1. Don’t lower yourself before her

Yes, you're the one who made the mistakes and you are the main cause of the break up, but that doesn’t make up any basis for you to come and grovel before her. Yes, you must ask for forgiveness, yet that’s not how it should be done.

By constantly pleading, acting desperately, and groveling before her, you throw away your dignity as a man. She might decide to forgive you, but you definitely won’t win her heart for the 2nd time. No normal girls would like to date “a guy who isn’t a guy anymore”.

2. Give her time

When we have a breakup, our instinct will tell us to fix things immediately; like "I have to do something about this, NOW". That’s just our nature as men; we fix problems. Well, that's not how girls think and react to a problem. Just after anything major and sad happened, they need time to straighten out their feelings and calm their mind. Disturb them in those times and I assure you’ll get hysterical screams and cold shoulder.

Give her time. Fade away from her life for a while. Don’t even try to initiate any sort of contact, including phone, messages, email, or anything else. During that time, calm your mind too. More about this on getting a girl back.

3. Initiate contact

Throughout her “contemplation” time, she may recognize that you're a person that she couldn’t live without and decide to give you another chance. Or she decides that you’re a jerk and her decision to leave you was right.

In either case, she won’t be the one to make the first contact; that's YOUR JOB. Make use of any method that you think will work. Bump into her somewhere, call her, send her a note, send her a letter, or other method that you can think of.

Whenever you manage to initiate contact, position yourself as a friend, not as an ex lover or somebody that aims to win her heart once again. Demonstrate that the breakup doesn’t affect you a bit, you've got a fantastic life, and if that issue comes into the conversation, say that you’re thankful that she made the correct decision back then.

4. Reignite the spark

When you manage to make her at ease near you once more, it’s time for you to act. There is nothing exceptional here, simply think about it as redo the process once again. Ask her out once again and take it slow. Bring her to her favorite places and talk about her favorite subjects (which you should know more than anyone else). Have a look at my advised course to assist you in this at Pull Your Ex Back review.

These are the right things to do, but do not expect instant result. You can't put some effort today and win her back tomorrow, that’s not going to happen. Sometimes you might find a competitor, but that’s not a reason to rush things up. The key here is advancing slowly as that is the only way to win her trust and heart back. Look into taking an ex back for free thorough course about what you really should do.
Your man may have been taken forcibly from you by another woman.  You might have had a break up and he has found a new soul mate.  Whatever the situation is with him ending up with another woman, you want him back so you need to take action.  To do that, you'll need to know how to get him back from other woman so that you can win him back without having him taking advantage from you. So, should you ask me will I get my ex back? The answer is YES, and here's how:

Re-invent yourself

The majority of men will miss their ex in some manner.  You need to understand what he desired from you the most.  Make that one of your resources in getting him back by emphasizing and intensifying that quality that he saw in you before.  Taking the time to do personal upkeep like beauty treatments, a brand new hairdo, beauty rest and more are absolutely a great investment in your time.

The meet up

Offer him a meet up as friends so he could see the new you.  Do not plead for him to come but firmly insist that he come to have a great time so that you can clear the bad air between both of you.  If he says that he has a previous engagement with the other woman he is with, ask him about a time that you might spend together.  Men will usually take a chance to meet an ex for a variety of reasons, just make sure that he agrees to come to a place where he feels comfortable and you could talk to him.

A chance to show off your new look and give him a taste of what he's missing is what you need to get him fascinated with you again.  Make him understand that he needs you more than the new woman he's with.  If possible, make your date with him one that will enable you to talk about great times you had together.  Don't be overly suggestive for them to believe that they will be getting laid.  To put it accurately, get them to want you in a sensual way but don't give it up to them.  The proper time to get physical together is when you are back together again due to the fact that he might simply believe that he can get away with having multiple women.

Fixing the relationship

Let him know that you will be ready to make the changes necessary to reconcile with him.  Tell him what you plan on enhancing on when it comes to relationship intimacy and various other aspects of the relationship which may have been cause for the breakup.  This will certainly take some compromise and commitment from the the two of you.

More about this subject at have your man back.

What to do next? Ask him to leave his other woman and suggest that he could do better with you than with anyone else.  If he needs time to think about it, give him a deadline so he knows that you are serious.  Making it seem like you are giving him the second chance is a way to make him realize that he may be wrong.  If he still has the slightest feeling for you, seeing the new you and realizing what you would do for the new relationship to work will get him to take your offer. See my Jason Hicks Second Chance Romance for the recommended professional help in this subject.
"My ex boyfriend wants me back and he's serious about it!"  Even though it’s wonderful news, and it may be just what you were wishing for, it can also make you pretty confused.  Yesterday, you might still thinking how to get him back or if the relationship is worth to fight for, but suddenly you have a decision to make.  Here are some questions that you should ask yourself before you decide anything that could affect the rest of your life:

Have Things Truly Changed?

An important thing to ask yourself is whether it is likely to be different this time.  Think thoroughly – Exactly what caused the break-up?  Is that issue will be resolved?  Some couples get back together again and things are great for some time; then, all those old problems come creeping back, and you’re right back where you started.

If he wants you back, it does not mean that everything’s great again.  You’ve both got to work through the problems and get them solved this time if you want to be happy together again.

Who Is In The Driver’s Seat?

This is another really important thing to ask.  You’ve been doing your thing, but now HE wants YOU back.  So, is he the one calling the shots?  Before you say yes, you’d better think about things a bit.  If he’s in complete control of the situation, this is not likely to be healthy for you.  You don’t want to be like his pet collie; when he snaps his fingers, you come running.

Take a minute to be honest with yourself and ask: “Is this what I really want?”  Your emotions are soaring at this moment, so get into a peaceful place to think about it.  Also, look at the continued and ask yourself if this is a great idea.

Do not Reluctant To Ask “Why?”

Why does he wants you back?  This is a truly significant question, and it’s going to make it easier to evaluate if it’s the right thing or not.  He had a reason for breaking up and you have to uncover what happened to that.

Lots of guys, particularly younger guys, leave because they’re afraid of commitment.  This is a major problem for men for whatever reason.  Maybe he wants to “play the field” a little more; perhaps he needs time to think on his own; or quite often, he’s just frightened, doesn’t understand why, and needs to run away.  After a couple of months of missing his girl, he realizes that he was an idiot and comes back. Also, read signs my ex wants me back to ensure that he genuinely wish to get back together, not just trying to save his pride after you broke up with him.

The Right Way to Get Back Together And Make It Work This Time

Getting back together and being happy isn’t as easy as just saying “yes.”  This time you have to make it work.  One thing you can do is to give it a “trial period.”  Get back together, but make a few terms.  Don’t spend too much time together.  Observe how things go before you make a major commitment again, so you can ensure that he’s serious.

This time, make it different.  Focus on the issue or issues that triggered your break-up, and devote yourselves to working it out.  If you truly desire to get back together and make it work, this can be done. See saving a relationship and making it work for further insight about identifying relationship problem and solving it.

Also, keep in mind that communication is really an important factor.  Lots of times, break-ups occur because of breakdowns in communication.  Communicating well will help you solve your problems.  The next time he feels like leaving, he’ll talk to you and both of you can work it out without all the heartbreak and drama. Should you sure that you need him too and has decided to give him a second chance, see my Matt Huston Get Him Back review and see how it can help you to keep him attracted to you and prevent another break up from taking place again.
It might seem impossible to you right now, but people DO reconcile after a breakup.  It has happened to countless of couples every day and it could happen to you too.  So stop being depressed and start to put an effort into it.  “What are the signs my ex wants me back?” you ask?  Below are 18 signs that you should notice; it doesn't have to be all of them, but if your ex has done several of them, then it's good news for you.

1. They start communicating with you again on a regular basis, and they begin the communication.  It could be email messages, phone calls, texts or face-to-face meetings.

2. They somehow appear at places when you are there.  Is it simply coincidence?  Maybe not!  They are using every chance they can get to see you and talk to you.

3. You hear from friends that they’ve been asking about you.  They’re most likely not merely interested in an update on how their ex is doing.

4. They’re not seeing anybody new.  You may hear from friends that they’ve got no interest in getting back into the game.

5. Whenever you e-mail or text them, they reply to you quickly.

6. If you speak on the phone, they linger there after the conversation is pretty much over like they wish to talk more.  And it’s you who has to finally say goodbye and hang up each time.

7. They appear to overreact emotionally, like they seem like they’ve got something on their mind.

8. Whenever you see or speak with them, they act sweet and generous, or maybe even a little bit flirtatious.

9. They take opportunities to touch you, like putting a hand on your shoulder when they’re talking to you.

10. They start using those old sweet nicknames again like baby, honey or darling.

11. In conversation, they repeat your name again and again, like it gives them a warm feeling just to be saying your name.

12. Your ex has an interest in what is going on in your life right now.  They might ask you “how’s it going?” a great deal, and they’re really enthusiastic about hearing what you have to say.

13. They ask you about who you’re spending time with these days, and ask you about folks they don’t know, particularly people of the opposite sex.  What this means is they’re trying to figure out if you are seeing anybody or not.

14. When you talk with them, they tell you a lot about the things going on in their daily life; telling you little anecdotes of random stuff that happen to them.

15. They talk a lot about personal development, working things out, going to the gym along with other things they’re doing to change and better themselves.

16. You notice that they’re striving to look good whenever the two of you meet, maybe wearing some sharp new clothes or fresh colognes.

17. They start to get enthusiastic about things that you’re interested in.  For instance, if you’re into dogs, they start talking about wanting a dog.

18. They love to talk with you about the future, and every time they do, you’re a part of that future.

Another alternatives is have a look at winning ex back and see if your ex is attempting to do the recommended methods there. If they do, then you can be positive that they are trying to have you back.

These are the sure signs that your ex is trying to tell you something.  Saying directly "I want to get back together" might be too much for the majority of people, so they're hoping that you'll "catch" the message.  You’d be stupid not to pick up on it!  When you see these signs, it means that the door is wide open.  All you have to do is take their hand and step through. Getting back together is good, but you still need to fix the issue and make sure that the new relationship will last, look into Magic of Making Up review for recommended expert help in get back your ex and keep a healthy long lasting relationship.
If you are reading this, I assume that you just experienced a breakup and you want her back in your arms. Well, read on to find out how to get your ex girlfriend to want you back. So not only will she come back but, she will want to come back. However, it is not about you playing some mind trick on her. The decision to come back must be orginated from herself. How? You must do your best to make yourself attractive to her. You might think this is impossible but you must remember that she was attracted to you once before so she can be again.

The chances are that you've handled this break up quite poorly right from the start. You may have argued and tried to make her see sense and change her mind. You might have attempted to blame her for all the things that went wrong in the relationship. It's possible that you have tried begging and pleading for a second chance. You may have told her that you're going to change and you'll be able to be a better man. No doubt you will have at a certain point argued and had a big fight, making this break up even more tough on both of you. When a relationship ends on a bad note like that, it causes it to be a lot tougher to mend it. Yet, it is not impossible. When you have done all of that as well as drunken phone calls and hundreds of texts after the breakup, you have been making all the wrong moves so far.

What can you do to repair all that ? First, pick up a piece of paper and a pen and begin to write down an apology and an acknowledgment of how ridiculous or stupid you have been behaving. Agree that the break up was a good idea and that you believe that she is right in everything she said. Deliver it to her and then do nothing!

This is exactly what you must have done in the beginning. So if you are not at that stage yet of having already made all those blunders, you just need to start there. You might not need a letter if you do it right from the start. Agree that the break up is a good thing and that you have been thinking the same for some time now.

Once you have done this, leave. Break off all ties with your ex girlfriend. Don't get drunk and annoy her in any way. Let her have some time to reflect. This method also work for girls; you can read more about it in can I get my ex back?

In the mean time, you need to be active and keep your mind off all the negative things. Go out with your buddies and have fun, do not stay home and wallow in your own self pity. Having a great time and feeling good will make you more appealing to your ex girlfriend.  Idea: reinventing yourself. More about reinventing yourself and getting your ex back in get my ex back.

As soon as she sees that you are enjoying life without her, she will wonder why?

She will start to think you have changed and she will spot all of the good things she saw in you from the start and more. In fact, she may like you even more than she did before.

If you play the waiting game properly she will make contact with you first. You might be thrilled to hear from her, nevertheless, it is crucial that you remain calm. Let her think that you're not really too bothered. Don't seem disinterested. Just be calm about the whole thing.

If she contact you FIRST, that does mean something. She is interested again and wants to talk to you. She will most likely ask to meet you for lunch or something. Of course, you'll accept the request. When you meet up it is important to keep cool and not talk about what happened in the past. If the conversation does go there, let her be the one to take it there. If she really did it, then it is a great progress for you.

Remember to take it slow; do not rush anything. Let it all happen naturally. Let your relationship grow before you do anything. If possible let her take all the initiative. This will make your relationship even stronger in the future. If you curious about much more strong method to get your ex girlfriend to want you back, I really suggest that you check Second Chance Romance review.